" Hooking up"
So what do you think " Hooking up" means??
Lately I have been studying what the phrase " hooking up" means , and have found that there is no actual definition that is used by all. For some it means having sex , for others it means merely kissing. Knowing this , what does it tell you about our generation? Are we floozy? Are girls promiscious? Are guys purley sexual beings, that carry no emotion.
I think the word carries so many different stigmas , and it becomes the reason why the phrase is thrown around so frequently. Our generation is portrayed as careless, and based on how we use the "hooking up"phrase i would agree.
What do you all think. What you think the phrase " hooking up" means? Does it give our generation a bad repuatation?
Let me know what you all think???
I think hooking up has the potential to give our generation a bad name, but at the same time I feel like we need to consider just how much things have changed.
A few decades ago, kids our age were getting ready for marriage and starting a family. Now, however, the norm seems to be ensuring a career by getting an education first. Perhaps hooking up is just what fills the void left from our generation's lack of dating and focus on "planting roots" at an early age.
Or maybe that's just some rationalization I pulled out of my head because I see little wrong with hooking up, if it's wanted from everyone involved.
December 2, 2009 at 4:37 PM
With the current generations fast pace way of life many overlook the importance of sexual health.
Hooking up is just another method to release sexual tension. We all need it, even the girl who you thought was innocent needs it.
It depends in what context you put "hooking up" under. It varies per individual. If that individual realize the consequences the possible emotional attachment that hooking up can inflict and they can accept this and let go then its all just fun.
We all need a little pick-me-up in our lives. There's always such a formality to life and hooking up does not have to be seen as a negative thing.
December 2, 2009 at 8:31 PM
It's interesting that people refer to "hooking up" in such a casual way. It may be a very casual makeout session with a friend or a complete stranger or even worse, or better in some cases, a casual fuck buddy ;). When someone refers to a friend hooking up, I don't know what to take from that, did they have sex or just makeout? so I ask and they look at me like I should know. It is true we all have our own interpretations. The world we live in now we could think something is innocent, when fifty years ago it would have been an atrocity to even consider.
December 2, 2009 at 8:33 PM
I have always been curious as to what hooking up meant also. Maybe that's just beacause I haven't done much with boys or girls so I just saw it was making out.
But I have found out that it normally means sex. Which is really whatever to me. You do what you want, I'm going to have my definition and you can have your used up Urban dictionary meaning. You know?
But I wouldn't say it gives our generation that bad of a rep. Too our generation it is quite normal. To older generations it's awful. But that's the beauty of society.
Our generation can change things and make it more welcome. I think hooking up might be really good for people. It will let them be a bit more carefree I guess.
December 3, 2009 at 12:37 AM
Oh my. Um.
I feel like I need to clear up a misapprenhension here.
"Hooking up is just another method to release sexual tension. We all need it, even the girl who you thought was innocent needs it."
I don't. I'm asexual. I don't feel sexual urges or really care all that much about sex. Ergo, I don't "need" to release sexual tension, because I don't have any.
A good friend of mine has sexual urges all the time, but she doesn't need to hook up to "release" them. She can masturbate or do whatever she needs to on her own. She doesn't necessarily need a partner to release them.
I feel like more people than you think either take care of themselves or are in situations similar to me. There's more asexual people or people with low sex drives than you think.
bookblather (Kat)
December 6, 2009 at 7:14 PM
I think the only reason our generation gets a bad rep is because we're more honest than previous generations have been. Let's face it, we've hardly invented premarital sex. It's just that a few generations ago if a girl got pregnant her parents sent her off to 10-month long "camp", or if they were rich the family took a year-long tour of Europe or something and came back and pretended the girl's mother had been the one to get pregnant and have a baby. And it doesn't matter how far back you go. In fact, I recently read in a biography of Shakespeare that his wedding, like a great many at that time, was of the 'shotgun' variety.
So..yeah, my point is that casual sex has been around for forever. It's not something that can be stomped out or repressed through religious or social shame. To be honest, I think our generation should be proud that our attitude is more, "Okay, let's all stop pretending this doesn't happen and start making sure it happens SAFE." The huge emphasis on condoms, STD testing, etc, is a really wonderful thing with a profound effect on public health.
December 7, 2009 at 12:10 PM
I think the only reason our generation gets a bad rep is because we're more honest than previous generations have been. Let's face it, we've hardly invented premarital sex. It's just that a few generations ago if a girl got pregnant her parents sent her off to 10-month long "camp", or if they were rich the family took a year-long tour of Europe or something and came back and pretended the girl's mother had been the one to get pregnant and have a baby. And it doesn't matter how far back you go. In fact, I recently read in a biography of Shakespeare that his wedding, like a great many at that time, was of the 'shotgun' variety.
December 7, 2009 at 12:12 PM
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