Recently I have been talking about the use of porn and whether or not its considered a gender neutral activity. What i have found is that porn is socially acceptable in men and teen males lives, but NOT acceptable if you're a woman. Why is that? Why is this activity so gender stereotypical?
As I was reading some articles, I noticed they compared males and porn, to females and erotic novels. Are they the same? I don't think so. Women are known for associating love with sex , whereas men can have emotionless sex, where sex is purely just sex. So knowing that, do these comparisons work?
Another big conversation point that needs to be addressed with Porn, is its use as a tool of education for male teens. Essentially, porn in where these young males learn about sex , and how to " preform" it. What does that say about our society and culture? What does it say about our sexual education programs? Do they work? Obviously not, if these males teens are resorting to porn for their main source of education.
Then there is the idea that its socially unacceptable for women to seek pleasure from porn. Why is that? Why is it such a taboo for women to watch porn. But its expected of men to watch it. As our culture moves closer to gender equality , you would imagine that the use of porn would turn into a gender neutral activity. Yet, its still an activity that is deemed unacceptable. How can we change this??
I'm curious to know what you guys think about this issue. Please if you have something to say respond!
I wanted to bring this up in class, but I didn't get the chance. We talked briefly about just how expansive the adult industry has become and I think that, in a sense, has already started to "gender-neutralize" porn. The industry has so many different facets that I think it's gotten to the point where it's all about finding "the porn that fits".
If the industry can cater to fetishes of all types, there is no reason why they aren't able to (or already) catering to a more woman-friendly audience.
December 2, 2009 at 8:19 PM
i don't really believe porn is deemed unacceptable, perhaps the older generation may see it in such a way, but not so much the younger generation. Then again, we are more liberal and have seemed to step out of that conservative past.
The thing with women watching porn, well what i believe, is that we are expected to keep a certain dignified demeanor and if we choose to watch porn it is unacceptable and shatters that image. I'm not saying that porn is something undignified, just that it can be seen as so by some. I guess men already are expected to watch it because they are stimulated by sight, when woman are stimulated by touch. I haven't thought much into this, but how do you think porn industries will to cater to a more woman-friendly audience?
December 2, 2009 at 8:56 PM
Porn is becoming more acceptable for women, I think. I tend to find myself in pretty socially liberal circles, but I know plenty of women who look at porn and frequent sex shops, etc, without any embarrassment about it. Doesn't Sex and the City have a lot of that sort of thing? It seems to be entering the public consciousness, at any rate. Why things were different in the past, well, I'm sure there are lots of reasons, but it DOES seem to be changing-over here on the EAST coast, anyways ;)
As for porn vs. erotica...well, personally, I find I get excited reading descriptions of women feeling things, having certain sensations, etc, whereas a picture of a Simply does not do it for me. I guess that makes me a typical woman and I really have no idea why someone might prefer one versus the other, but I think both are perfectly fine and people should just use whatever they like.
December 4, 2009 at 11:50 AM
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