Let's talk about sex. Yeah, we said it. SEX. ...and gender and sexuality and everyone's other favourite subject; pop culture!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Peepshow Feminsim

So.. How do you feel about exotic/erotic dancing.. prostitution and strip clubs? Do you think is a profession that has the ability to be a feminists one. Completely degrading women? Well, after all the studying that I have done on this topic, it makes me questions my previous opinions on this topic. For a long time I was very against, strip clubs, prostitution, and other forms of sex work. But recently this has changed. If dancing on poles and in windows gives women confidence sexually , physically and mentally , then whats wrong with it? Its a economic field that is female dominated , and its probably one of the only ones you'll find in our society.

Please let me know how you guys feel about this. I think its an issue that needs to addressed and potentially supported.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

On its own, I think its fine. I do think there's something wrong in a society where women can fall into an economic trap where they feel pressured to dance despite not feeling comfortable or good about it because they have no other options...but honestly, I don't think that stereotype is as common as people might have you believe. The idea that once a woman embraces her sexuality she is 'lowering' herself seems prevalent in certain feminist circles, and I strongly object to it.

The illegality of prostitution confuses me to no end. The idea that it is perfectly legal to provide a service for free, but it is illegal to get paid to do it is so strange! I am strongly in favor of legalizing prostitution, and for practical reasons as well. If it is legal, it can be regulated and made safe. When it is illegal, it is the WOMEN who suffer, who are exploited and taken advantage of, often by controlling men who are totally unchecked.

December 14, 2009 at 12:42 AM


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